
Friday, March 14, 2008

Why is Gizmo spamming my contact list?

Why is Gizmo spamming my contact list?

I have some issues with the Gizmo5 project and the way it handles my AIM, MSN, Yahoo, & Google Talk contacts. I am running GrandCentral and only needed the sipphone features from the Gizmo Project.

I don't necessarily want Gizmo to e-mail everyone on my contact list in Yahoo and invite them to join. I don't like spam and most of my friends don't like it either. How do you keep Gizmo from doing this?

It only took a few minutes for the program to add all of my contacts and now it is going to take hours to get them off. I feel like all of my contacts have been hijacked by the Gizmo5 Project

How do I stop Gizmo from logging into to other chat networks.

If you would like to stop Gizmo from logging into your other accounts on MSN, Yahoo, and AOL/AIM removing the contacts will not work. The way to do this is open the start a chat session with the contact "Add AIM, MSN, Y! buddies." SELECT option 3 then 6

To properly remove contacts you imported from another network, you will need to "unregister" those contacts. Simply deleting contacts from other networks may delete those contacts from your buddy list on the other network, for example your AIM or MSN buddy list.

"Spam from the Gizmo Project?": Tech Support from Ask Dave Taylor!

But that's not the worst of it.
Tonight I received what appears to be spam from someone using the Gizmo Project, a Voice over IP (VOIP) telephony system, that asks me to sign up and download their software:

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    This post has been a great help to me because I didn't know how to stop gizmo to access my MSN.

    I would like to ask you a favor! Can you please invite me to Grand central! My email is marcelomarinhoaraujo@gmail.com

    Best regards,
